White Shadow Demos

Available for your viewing pleasure, intros by White Shadow. These 'hacks' contain some of the purest technical tricks to push the IBM-PC to its limits. Well, maybe back in the day when they were made to run at frame-rate on a 286. With the brute-force available in a Pentium and above, the same results can be had using any lame routine in any language, even COBOL. (: But as the tradition of demo coding has changed from hacking the hardware for doing things it shouldn't to full movie-productions, these demos remain true to the old C64 and Atari-ST scene of demo-making. In that sense, these demos deserve more credit than they probably get. True hardware hacking like this isn't easy to come by. We have no idea what White Shadow's up to nowadays, but he's still our friend. (:

Note:As the speed of today's computers have increased drastically since these were made, you may need to reduce the speed of your computer for the demos to run properly. Try hitting the Turbo button if your computer has one, or do a little web-surfing for a program called MoSlo. Don't expect them to run under ANY version of Windows.

Download the Revolt Demo!
Title: Revolt
Released: 1991
Size: 8.11 KB
Programming: White Shadow
Requirements: 286 Intel
VGA Graphics Adapter
Compatibility: MS-DOS Based
This is White Shadow's first demo for the PC.

Download the Deadbeat BBS Intro!
Title: Deadbeat BBS Intro
Released: 1992
Size: 32.3 KB
Programming: White Shadow
Requirements: 386 Intel
VGA Graphics Adapter
Compatibility: MS-DOS Based
Hardware rasters & many palette tricks in this intro. Must be run on a very slow machine!

Download Titswinkle Lost in Space Demo!
Title: Titswinkle Lost in Space
Released: 1992
Size: 58.4 KB
Programming: White Shadow
Requirements: 386 Intel
VGA Graphics Adapter
Compatibility: MS-DOS Based
Very graphics-card hacked-mode intro along the lines of Carebears demos. Multi-plane scrollers, rotations, scale effects and bobs.

Download Do-Whacka-Do Demo!
Title: Do-Whacka-Do
Released: 1993
Size: 158 KB
Programming: White Shadow
Requirements: 386 Intel
VGA Graphics Adapter
Option for sound:
100% Soundblaster Compatible
Compatibility: MS-DOS Based
Another processor and graphics intensive demo with a LOT of action going on the screen.