Ram Junky's Demos

Ram Junky could code at once. Hah. He tried to make up for lack of mad skill-harc0re 7331 skillz by making his stuff look nice. (:

Download I Hate Windows 95!
Title: I Hate Windows '95
Released: March 30, 1995
Size: 67 kb
Programming: Ram Junky
Requirements: 486 DX-80
VGA Graphics Adapter
Option for sound:
100% ADliB Compatible Soundcard
Compatibility: MS-DOS Based
This is what happened when I got pissed at a beta version of Win95 wiping out my hard drive.
Reality's RAD Tracker was used to make the music.

Download the Paradise Express intro!
Title: Paradise Express
Released: Late 1995
Size: 22.4 kb
Programming: Ram Junky
Requirements: Amiga 500
Compatibility: PAL Mode is preferred for correct speed.
Runs 100% on 500, locks-up after exiting on 2000. Haven't been able to get it to run correctly on an Amiga emulator.
Contains a chiptune by Microforce.