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Net Fests 1999

1999 has brought us a few great gatherings so far, each one getting larger!

Group #2
Group #2
Center & Right: Shroud, Roxikat
Left to Right: I Dunno, Teufel, A. Hair-e-hed
Group #2
Rogue Scholar & Grimmy

March 13th, 1999
This net fest was great. We had cooked spicy sausages to eat. There was a lot of fragging, and all was well. Yup, it was Quake 2 primarily, this time it had some game modifications that changed the weapons and effects around, such as a variety of grenades with loud, nasty explosions, bouncing giggly annoying things, and rocket-shooting machine guns. We played this to death. (: Bomberman on the saturn was still happening. Blacky one. Mr. Ugly got beat. Whity was mad bomberman, and everyone else hit the remote reset too much. >:) Later on at night, the games switched to Starcraft, and as you can see things settled down quickly when that got going, so some of us took to the saturn or playstation, or the fuzzy rug. A few others started playing Starsiege Tribes as well.