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Balding Net Fests 2001

All your base are belong to us!

(we know where you live...)

Left to right: Pure Evil, Fat Rat, Snowman, Red Plastic Cup, almost bald guy Left to right: Red Plastic Cup, Windsinger, player1, player2, Jody Hull, duh
Left to right: Snowman, Endur_Dawn_Death, Sam the Yam, Red Plastic Cup, Shroud Left to right: Empty plate, Empty Plate, Hot Dogs, Mild Sausage, a mess, Empty plate, Stuff, Brownies.
Center: Rolls, Ketchup, chips, lettuce
Left to right in Snowman's Posse: Angel-A, DJ Maskingtape, MC Snowman, Red Plastic Cup o'Change, Biz-Mark E Left to right: Snowman, Female Unit, Fat Rat, Angel
Left to right: Shroud, Red Plastic Cup, Rogue Scholar, Snowman, Maskingtape Left to right: Windy, Red Plastic Cup,Pure Evil, Snowman, Guiness, Red Plastic Cup, Shroud


Hellmaster Strider Guy Smiley
Hope Pure Evil with a deadly camera Sam the Yam
Kasta Huh? Jody Hull

Dance Dance Revolution Club Remix on Dreamcast!
Rogue Scholar Windsinger Rogue Scholar Shroud
White Hope Can't JumpShroud ShroudMaskingtape
Kasta Hope Jody HullShroud
Fat RatHis Tail



March 10th, 2001

Spring Break netfest! Jason opens up his basement complete with network connections, old-school gameing systems, exersise bike and lounging area. This leaves the upper rooms for peaceful crashing space. We had 16 computers playing games and many more people devouring food. Again thanks to everyone who donated food, esp. Mark for the hot and mild sausages.Windsinger got older and a birthday ice-cream cake with too many candles to blow out. Thanks everyone. =^.^=

Unreal Tournament GOTY was played extensivly in the beginning along with Quake 3. Some weerdo named Indur_Dawn_Death (Uh-huh-huhuhh) kicked all our asses with a two-fold lead in those games, so you all know where to mail the grenade. Starsiege Tribes happened the remainder of the night when things mellowed out with some heavy mods brought in by Rogue Scholar. These mods added many new things in the armour, weapon, transport and deployable areas, so it was fun to discover the new toys to play with. A great match was set-up near the end of the day (around 5:00am) when we split the teams up into the Johns vs. the Chris's.

At the console side, Windy brought his Dance Dance Revolution pads for the Dreamcast and it went over extremely well, it's a lot of fun to place this with others! Typing of the Dead, a keyboard-typing version of House of the Dead was pretty damn cool too. Of course Saturn Bomberman games happened, with Frenchy winning the grand match. Hellmaster brought his PS2. Ummm, yep. He brought it alright. Suuuuure did.