Net Fests 2003
Just say NO! to inverted mice. |
is this Net-Fest comming to!?!? |

At this Net-Fest, no computers
had to be repaired. |

There were no pictures
of Waz giving the
at this Net-Fest. |

The Allies Upstairs |

Axis in the Basement |

Left to Right: Mark, Deadbeat,

Front to Back: Mad Monk, pr0nv0znick, Japi |

Yes, it's a slightly different photo!
Left to Right: Mark, Deadbeat, |

Looks like he dropped it on him.
Front to Back: Keith, Snowman, Japi |

Left to Right: Steef-Junglist, MIA Guy |

Left to Right: Keith, Windsinger, Mad Monk, Torgo's Uncle,
Squeetly Sqooch |

Left to Right: Mark, |

Left to Right: Snowman, Lime Green Goth |

Zeus explains how to die quickly in Counterstrike.
Left to Right: Unknown, Unknown, Zeus |

Deadbeat prepares to smash a keyboard.
Left to Right: Coke Bottle, Keith, Morose Lucifer, Lime Green
Goth, Deadbeat |

Allied R&R on the Couch o' Lameness.
Left to Right: Keith, Torgo!, Kasta, Jesse, Silverfox |

Axis relax on MAME.
Left to Right: Irrelevant, Sn0wman |

Epee |

Jesse |

Windsinger |
L0rd Deadbeat |

Those two are just too damn happy with their joysticks in hand...
Left to Right: Keith, Jesse |

Nothing like hanging around the 'ole water heater,
swapping case-modding stories and over-clocking
horror stories.
Left to Right: Snowman, Japi, Torgo, Windsinger, Deadbeat |

Left to Right: Unkown Soldier #3, Unkown Soldier #4 |

Maskingtape reminices with Windsinger on
previous Netfests he's been to. |

Keith looking very interested at something... |

Shroud looks confused as usual.
Left to Right: Lime Green Goth, Shroud |

Left to Right: Katie, Zeus, Someone |

Squeetly Sqooch |

Front: Snapcase, Lesh
Back: Torgo's Uncle, pr0nvoznick

Left to Right: Epee, Mandroid |

There's just something not right in this picture...
Left to Right: Torgo's Uncle, Deadbeat, Keith's Head, Japi |

Snowman was our resource hog this Net Fest. |

Kasta chows down in the Axis Bunker infront of the Classic Console
Table. |

Snapcase looks... Snappy. |

Someone's coming out of the closet behind Mark's Back... |

Mark plays Diablo II. |

Keith relaxes after a busy day of pr0nning. |
now we're back with some
Stupidité d'Appareil-Photo

Asphyxophile and Monk Back-to-Back |

Jessey and Monk's Back. |

Hey everyone, pr0n's Back! |

Windsinger's Butt.
I said BACK shots damnit! |

Somebody's cover her Back! |

Shroud and his uncle are Backing the Attack. |

Fragger's Back.

Not Mark's Meat.


Not shown: 2 cases of BAWZ

Mark cooked us Carbonara on friday.
Mmmmm. |

The evidence.

Torgo made a rib run on Saturday.
It was well appreciated by all. |

Mark apparently had too much of the bullshit. |

So what's worse, the humiliation shot or the fact that he's wearing
an Intel shirt? |

Someone throw that man a blanky. |

Sleeping like a teddy-bear.
Cuddling him might be a bad idea however. |
See Dead People... |
Crushing Your Head... |

That's Windsinger. |

He must work for a Japanese company. |

The simple push of a button... |

Could take out an entire Allied team. |

THIS was all anyone could think to play on the projector...
Talk about overkill. |

Well, at least he won. |
August 16th, 2003
A few firsts happened at this Net-Fest!
- 28 working computers were in the house playing games, the
most we've ever had!
- Nobody had serious down-time fixing their computer.
- Waz did not give the middle-finger when getting photographed.
- Counterstrike was played.
Snowman admits to finding Windows useful.
So it was a good overall. We still seem to have issues with
keeping the gaming going & organized, but we'll still work
on this. It was nice to have the amount of folks for the gaming.
We were able to have a complete internal match of Return to
Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory in the house!
There were also some great matches of Quake 3 Death Match,
as well as Counterstrike.
Jason's house was plastered with the Battlefield
1942 Mocked WWII posters found on the net. Only a select
few were printed, but they were equally fitting for Enemy Territory.
On friday, Mark cooked us some home made carbonara by request.
It was good! he also supplied the BBQ'ing services for saturday.
And saturday night. Torgo bought a huge batch of the famous
ribs that everyone well enjoyed. A couple cases of BAWZ Caffeine
drink were on hand as well, that stuff rules.
Japi had spent some time programming a Combat game for the
NetFest to be played on the projector. It's an 8-player version
using 8-joysticks via USB on a PC, using the Atari 2600 combat
graphics & sounds. Unfortunatly, that never saw action since
the projector area was used for table-space for more lan gamers!
Not a complaint at all. Perhaps we'll set up the projector elsewhere
for this game next time.
Puzzle Pirates. WTF.
With all the power being consumed by the amount of rigs present,
some of the circuits in the house had possible subjectiveness
to being blown. Only one circuit was blown during the party.
Actually, it was power-strip that we blew. A severly
linked-series of power strips in the basement triggered that.
However, the possibilty of sabotage for the up-staris gamers
was possible. The line powering the tabel of gamers there could
be tripped by a single push of a button on the microwave in
the kitch. Appropriate measures were taken to prevent this.
As usual, thanks for everyone for showing up. More thanks to
those who brought food stuffs, this is very helpful and appreciated!
A lot of food gets devoured at these things!