Net Fests 2003
Your virii are belong to us. |
Retribution. |

At this Net-Fest, every computer had problems. |

Left to Right: sp00ch, Lime Green Goth, Morose Lucifer |

Couch Lameness.
Left to Right: Kasta, Keith, Jessee, n00b |

Left to Right: n00b, Zeus, Windsinger, Medic |

Left to Right: Keith, Windsinger, Engineer, Snapcase, Lush |

Left to Right: Keith, Doom Prophet |

Do they ever move from there?
Left to Right: Kasta, Keith, Jessee, n00b, sp00ch, Lime Green
Goth |

Front: Morose Lucifer, Lime Green Goth, sp00ch
Back: Kasta, Bianca, Jessee |

Front: Lesh, Snap Case
Back: Kasta, Bianca, Jessee |

Left to Right: Doom Prophet, Keith

The n00b asks the master for help.
"What does the left mouse button do again?"
Left to Right: n00b, Zeus |

Left to Right: n00b, Black Bomberman, Lime Green Goth |

Front: Monitor
Back: Morose Lucifer, Lime Green Goth's head, sp00ch's headphones
& hair
Even further back: Nautica Boy, Kasta, Bianca, Jessee |

Left to right in circular order: Japi, pr0nv0znick,
pr0nv0znick, Black Bomberman, Doom Prophet, n00b |

Jason waits patiently for some f00d. |

He's really a Ducks fan. |

Our official n00b! |

Mr. Virus here shells out some compensation dough to make up for
his "little friends" that made their way over the LAN. |

Kotetsu |
Crap, it's


The Princess |

Frenchie |

Bonk |

Left to Right: Black Bomberman (Winner!), Manjimaru,
Master Ugly |
Sleepy Time!


And Keith is 6'4"...

Left to Right: Squeetly Sqooch, Emo-n00b-Boy

Snapple-Case sleeps with joystick in hand, tongue hanging out,
and, of all things, a plushy penguin! What a weirdo.

Windsinger just waking up with 2 hours of sleep!


Hands down, he wins this Net-Fest's Humuliation award. |
Man Gets Lost In Own House

Everyone stands around waiting to play... |

Left to Right: Jessee, Bianca, Vortex, Mike, Windsinger,
pr0n, Snapcase, Irrelevant, Doom Prophet |
October 11th, 2003
A very good lan party for gaming! We had a lot of excellent
Death Matches going on, and we didn't tire of it! All sorts
of games were played, but the pace was kept up and it was all
Unreal Tournament started a lot of the action on Friday. It
was a lot of fun going back to this game. It still is a great
game. On Saturday, we got everyone going with Unreal Tournament
2003, and it too was great. It took a bit to get the updates
installed for everyone, but it was worth it, a lot of time was
spent DM'ing in the various newer levels in the game. The Akira
weapon rules.
We had a few rounds of Quake 3 Arena CTF using a railgun insta-gib
mod from the Orange Smoothie mod. Surprisingly that went over
very well and was indeed a lot of fun! There was also a good
deal of Insta-Gib DM'ing too, of course.
Grand Theft Auto 3: Vice City with the Multi-Theft mod was
a lot of fun, but unfortunately that game decided to be a serious
bitch with installation for several people, so not everyone
got involved in it. But it was good! What an excellent mod.
Halo for the PC was given a run as well, but unfortunately
it's just too damn slow! And I don't mean performance, the game
plays slow for an FPS. Compared to other FPS's on the PC, it's
like super-slow bullet time. Walking around a DM map in that
game is like trying to run in a dream, you don't! And god forbid
you fire a rocket at someone. If you can't dodge those you just
The round of Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
we had sucked.
The couch lameness is being fired recently by Burnout 2 for
the Xbox. It's still a lot of fun to cause accidents, and get
paid for it! An excellent crowd pleaser it is.
Saturn Bomberman finally got a return this netfest and was
played on the projector! Woohoo! It was great. pr0nv0znick
proved himself to be almost as good a game setup-guru as Waz.
A few newbies were in on the action and got quickly involved
with the phantom resets. It just proves how cool that "feature"
really is. pr0nv0znick was the bomberman winner, with
Jessee winning mad bomber.
Mike provided the skills this time to cook the BBQ burgers
& hot-dogs since Mark was unable to make it. Good jorb
too! We had a good stash of sodas and consumables brought by
a lot of the attendees. We even had a good selection of baked
cakes, pies & yummy stuff. Doom Prophet brought a case of
beer, and Red Bull. Once again, these food contributions are
very appreciated! Thanks guys!