Balding Net Fests 2001
All your base are belong to us!
(we know where you live...)
Left to right: Pure Evil, Fat Rat,
Snowman, Red Plastic Cup, almost bald guy |
Left to right: Red Plastic Cup, Windsinger,
player1, player2, Jody Hull, duh |
Left to right: Snowman, Endur_Dawn_Death,
Sam the Yam, Red Plastic Cup, Shroud |
Left to right: Empty plate, Empty Plate,
Hot Dogs, Mild Sausage, a mess, Empty plate, Stuff, Brownies.
Center: Rolls, Ketchup, chips, lettuce |
Left to right in Snowman's Posse: Angel-A,
DJ Maskingtape, MC Snowman, Red Plastic Cup o'Change, Biz-Mark E |
Left to right: Snowman, Female Unit, Fat
Rat, Angel |
Left to right: Shroud, Red Plastic
Cup, Rogue Scholar, Snowman, Maskingtape |
Left to right: Windy, Red Plastic Cup,Pure
Evil, Snowman, Guiness, Red Plastic Cup, Shroud |
Hellmaster |
Strider |
Guy Smiley |
Hope |
Pure Evil with a deadly camera |
Sam the Yam |
Kasta |
Huh? |
Jody Hull |
Dance Dance Revolution Club Remix
on Dreamcast!
Rogue Scholar
Windsinger |
Rogue Scholar
Shroud |
White Hope Can't Jump Shroud |
Shroud Maskingtape |
Kasta Hope |
Jody Hull Shroud |
Fat Rat His
Tail |
March 10th, 2001
Spring Break netfest! Jason opens up his basement complete with
network connections, old-school gameing systems, exersise bike
and lounging area. This leaves the upper rooms for peaceful crashing
space. We had 16 computers playing games and many more people
devouring food. Again thanks to everyone who donated food, esp.
Mark for the hot and mild sausages.Windsinger got older and a
birthday ice-cream cake with too many candles to blow out. Thanks
everyone. =^.^=
Unreal Tournament GOTY was played extensivly in the beginning
along with Quake
3. Some weerdo named Indur_Dawn_Death (Uh-huh-huhuhh) kicked
all our asses with a two-fold lead in those games, so you all
know where to mail the grenade. Starsiege Tribes happened the
remainder of the night when things mellowed out with some heavy
mods brought in by Rogue Scholar. These mods added many new things
in the armour, weapon, transport and deployable areas, so it was
fun to discover the new toys to play with. A great match was set-up
near the end of the day (around 5:00am) when we split the teams
up into the Johns vs. the Chris's.
At the console side, Windy brought his Dance Dance Revolution
pads for the Dreamcast and it went over extremely well, it's a
lot of fun to place this with others! Typing of the Dead, a keyboard-typing
version of House of the Dead was pretty damn cool too. Of course
Saturn Bomberman games happened, with Frenchy winning the grand
match. Hellmaster brought his PS2. Ummm, yep. He brought it alright.
Suuuuure did.
Bomberman makes me dizzy! |
This IS the dungeon, 12 computers minus the exersise
console. |
Left to right: Shroud, Endure_Dawn_Death,
Unknown |
Left to right: Unknown, Hope |
Someone's computer back there had problems.
Big problems. |
We kept this guy in the cage. |
"When the hell is Scotty going to
get his hair off of my computer?" |
Shroud |
Mad Monk
Gilligan |
Left to right: Fat Rat, Dobie Gillis,
Mad Munk, Jessie, Windy, Snowman |
Left to right: Unknown, The Unibomber |
Jason (Pure Evil) Turns 24! |
The sneak-attack birthday surprise. Pure-Evil was
totally unaware of the mob of people filing into the basement and
the procession of party favors. |
A simple equation that even
Mad Munk can understand... |
One cook at a grill |
plus a table full o'food yields |
O N ! |
May 12, 2001
This netfest had a lot going on all the time it seemed, and
with a large amount of people! Organization of the house changed
a bit; the top floor being reserved for sleeping space, so it
was left as a quite zone. The middle floor and the now-networked
basement were utilized, with the dungeon holding the majority
of computers; 12 altogether. 8 more systems were found on the
second floor, bringing 20 working computers in all! (This doesn't
count server computers, burning stations, and other useless
One highlight of the evening were of course Jason (Pure Evil's)
birthday! 3 bright yellow ice-cream cakes carried the 24 barbie-sparkly
candles, which he did manage to blow out. Two inflatable-chairs
were there for him to unwrap, but his main gift was a portable
Game Axe that plays NES cartridges that everyone contributed
and bought for him. Although it was backordered and not available
at the party, it did arrive a week later and works perfect!
Some other oddities around the event were the noticeable amount
of Dreamcast units laying around in the bathroom, kitchen and
dungeon. A Dreamcast unit playing music-videos throughout the
day was found wrapped in acid-faced garb in the main-level bathroom,
something to observe while doing business. The kitchen area
also played videos of interest while people scarfed and ravaged
the mass amounts of food. Dance Dance Revolution on Dreamcast
played in the basement. The ritual-round of Bomberman occurred
as well, with Mad Monk dominating not only the overall winning
position, but several other sub-positions as well (lamer).
This net fest was the first to harbor the release of Tribes
2 (took you long enough Dynamix!). While the game boasts unrealistic
machine specs, there were enough machines able to play it surprisingly.
Once you play Tribes 2, going back to Tribes is almost unbearable
without any mods to the game. If you can run it it's definitely
worth it.
One concern however with the gaming this time was the uncoordination
of games going on. I don't remember there being a massive match
of any game. There was briefly a large Unreal Tournament game
held, but it didn't last long. More effort in organizing what
is being currently played is needed, as these games are always
awesome when everyone present is involved. And if there are
any other games that someone thinks should be given a try, don't
be afraid to bring it up! With so much going on it's easy to
forget about things. I know that there is an interest from many
people for Starcraft rounds. These can definitely happen, along
with some maddening Quake 3 rounds and super Unreal-Tournament
matches. From my observation from past events, the day starts
off with people warming up to Quake 3 and Unreal. Strategy games
like Starcraft, Red Alert and Tribes are a great break from
the fast-paced action of those game, as well as offering a chance
for people who aren't 1st-person gods to do some domination.
These games should be played later on. We'll try some kind of
loose-structuring like this at the next gathering and see how
it goes.
With all this action of course involves a bit of behind-the
scenes effort. Some thanks and appreciation goes out to P-Funk
for manning the barby and cooking up the sausages, burgers and
hot dogs, Snowman for bringing switches, hubs, and major helping
out with the server-network optimizations, Deadbeat for switches
& hubs and food, Fat Rat for food, eating food and ice cream
cake, Sam the Yam for extra pictures used on this page, and
of course Jason for buying and baking lots of food and holding
this event in his house. Also anyone who bought and did stuff
that I don't know about. (: This kind of effort makes these
things what they are, thank you all and hope to see you at the
next one!

Left to right: Dan Dan, Power Puf Boy,
BoBo, Chris #2, Chris #1, Jimbo Japi, Curly Sue's Legs |
Left to Right: Roxikat, Mad Monk, Japi, Windsinger,
Shroud, Cabbit, Dan Dan, Mike Hopkins
Results from this Bomberman Tourny,
the prized Penny Arcade T-Shirt going to Power-Puff Cabbit
Gabe, or Gabbit for short. |

Here we have Chris #2 and
Gabbit doin' the two-step to Garth Brook's
latest. |
Now it's the hokey-pokey, turnin
your mom around. |

Chris #2 and Chris #1
are demonstrating the art of line-mosh trip-up to
Celine Dion. |
Yankee swing form. |
August 18th, 2001
This here be the wife-beater netfest. Yeets all gathered
'round several flatbeds and pickups for an eve of hankerin',
drinkin', good eats, drinkin' and shootin' just like the
good 'ole boys do.
The bomberman tournament prize was a home made Penny Arcade
Gabe shirt, claimed by Gabbit.
It's Red-Eye the gangsta-pirate.
Left to right: Shroud, Fat Rat,
Indy |
Left to right: Fat Rat, Indy,
Red Eye, Kasta
Front: Little Red Raver |
Left to right: Indy
& Strider |
Net-Fest Booby-Trap: This
probably would have been a lot funnier if the stupid holding
the camera took the picture right. |
Keith at the keys. |
Sure, go ahead, try kicking his ass. |
Mark |
Windsinger |
Beware of people with silly grins. |
Japi style'n |
A Sleepy Shroud. |
When Fat-Rat lays around
the sofa, he really lays around the sofa. |
That's about all a MAC is good for. |
If cheapskate Japi would lay off all those hours of high-priced
phone-sex sessions, this wouldn't be an issue.
This explains everything, it's all their fault. Never
trust a pirate or a penguin.
Especially a pirate AND a penguin.
And definitly not a smiling pirate groping a penguin.
Damn Penguins.
October 20th, 2001
The Halloween fragging! I'm not really sure what went
on here with all the pirates and penguins crashing and
vexing everyone's system. But we got in quite a lot of
fragging anyhow. Lots of Unreal Tournament for sure, with
an attempted linkup of a couple of outside gamers, Teufel
and Mad Monk. Unfortunatly the ping rate sucked, so their
piece of action was rather lame. We don't know if this
is from the cable modem directly, the server setup, or
just an excuse for sucking on their part, but we will
be looking into it. we also tried Starcraft over the network
to some degree of success, everntually the network lag
took its toll however.
Sam Brendel brought his server which ws running Unreal
Tournament and Quake 3 servers. Having the server always
running makes it a lot easier to get the games going.
Later at night there was a round or two of Tribes 2, but
I don't think it was played much.
Shroud brought his Dance Dance Revolution 5th Remix for
the PSX, and with Fat Rat's really cool pads, we had a
lot of rounds of them, though no pictures to show for
it since everyone ran away when someone tried to take
a picture of the players. Lamers!
Windsinger unvieled a project of his at this one too:
an Unreal Tournament port of Fragduke. And it went over
very well, I think we played that one map the rest of
the night. I waited until everyone was playing UT, including
the two remote fraggers before I brought this sucker out.
And it held up well thankfully. Look for it in the Maps
section of our website!
Red-Eye the Pirate and Fat Rat had two midnight marathons
of Super Mario Brothers 3 for the NES, both showing off
their mad paltformer skillz and lameness at the inside
tacticts to the game.
Speaking of console action, Japi now has a NES,GameAxe,
Gameboy, SNES, Sega Genesis, Two Turbo Grpahic-16's, Atari
2600, 7800, Colecovision w/2600 Module, Playstation and
a Dreamcast. All hooked up to a shitty, trash-picked,
pirated TV set.
And for the closing, the food for the evening consisted
of Spicy Sausage, and Homemade Meatballs for the main
course. Really kick-ass meatballs actually. Lotsa Pathmark
Blue soda thanks to Keith, Toxic Waste and many other
fattening things. (:
Left to right: Maskingtape,
Mark, Egger, H.G.Wells, Santa, Trashbag |
Left to right: Mark, P0RNVOZNIK,
Galewind, SuaveDiggyDogg
Front: Mountain Dew Code Red
Notice they're holding GAMECUBE contollers. |

Left to right: Extra Special
Saturn, Backup Coffeetable (X-Box), Extra Special Playstation
(slightly burried under XBOX games), PS2 (Burried under
PS2, Xbox and Gamecube Games), Extremely Successful Gamecube,
Dreamcast (under the Gamecube), N64 (good for only 3 games),
Gameboy Advance, multi input switch (under the GBA).
All this was hooked up to the main TV station. It's the
bait for serious couch camping.
Left to right: Suave
Diggy Dog, jtp, Black Bomberman, Japi
Waiting for an X-Box game to load.
We are not amused. |
Left to right: Windsinger,
Mike, Galewind, Suave Diggy Dog, Fat Rat, pr0nvoznik,
Keith |
Left to right: Fat
Rat, jtp, Chris, Keith |
Left to right:
Player 1, The Mad Couch Bomber, Player 3, Player 4,
Player 5, Player 6 |
pr0nvoznik - ChamPion
Second Place - Galewind
Suave Diggy Dog - B Point King |
Gift Exchange!
The booty. |
Keith gets a present!
Then he gets robbed.
Kero-chan, a kawaii Kerbos. |
Keith gets 3 chrome balls,
and gets robbed.
Free Ball Kinetic Art. |
Keith's chocolate balls.
Someone steals Keith's balls.
Chocolate Balls. |
Since Keith has trouble holding
onto his balls, he gets a new sack to toss off with.
Bean bag tic-tac-toe set.
Torgo gets an Operation.
Then gets robbed...
Operation board game. |
Chris gets even.
He gets a gun.
Nerf Blaster. |
Pr0nvoznik gets another mouth
to feed.
Robo-Chi, Furby Kitty. |
Mark gets ghetto fish.
Neon-Aqualite Fake Fish aquarium. |
It's curtains for japi.
Scroll you, buddy!
Dracula-X wall scroll. |
Sam gets a third arm.
Robo-Xtendor robotic arm. |
Left to right: Japi,
Suave Diggy Dogg, Keith, Strider, Egger's Nose |
Left to right: Guy
in blue shirt, Fat Rat, Brother of Fat Rat, Guy in purple
shirt, TorgoTorgoTorgo |

Left to right: Blue
shirt guy, Japi, Mark, Hoberman's Balll, Roxi, Chris, Someone,
Blown out face |
Japi shows mark the benefit
of having a third arm.
Left to right: Mark going to protect himself, John,
Fat Rat, Japi, Keith, Arm

Why the hell do the simple
things take this much effort and manpower?
If there was a 5 year old in the house, that toy would have
been opened in seconds.
Left to right: Confused Monk, That guy, John, Fat
The reason we use nicknames:
Left to right: Chris, John, John, Andy, Chris,
Keith, Chris, Chris |

Left to right: Irrelevnat
Elephant, Hat Head, p0rnvoznik, Fat Rat, Guy with gun covering
guy with third arm going for beer
These guys looks very suspicious.
Definitly not to be trusted. |

Left to right: Mark,
statue of jtp, Fat Rat, Onlookers
Torgo's cool gun.
We'll probably have a dozzen of these next year. (: |
Of course we can't have net
fest pictures without one of these. |
Xmas and New Years Net Fests!
December 29th & 31st, 2001
(unnoficially 28th through the 1st)
The large end of the year gaming marathon! This year
it started unofficialy on Friday, the 28th and continued
into the New Year on the 1st!
The new season brought with it a couple of new gaming
systems. We had them all! Muahahahaaa! Nintendo's GameCube
deifnitly proved to be the outstanding system with it's
mutliplayer games. We had a lot of fun playing Smash
Brothers Melee of course, as well as Super Monkey Balls.
Even Pickman was was very cool to watch and play. It
jsut proves that Nintendo knows what it takes to make
any kind of game great. The joysticks do take a bit
to get used to however, the buttons aren't as unituitive
as on a Playstation joystick for example. Next was of
course the X-box, aka: the Coffee Table. Even the freakin'
joysticks were rediculously huge. Although Dead or Alive
3 looked pretty nice on it, there wasn't much elseon
that proved interesting really. The PS2 and Tony Hawk
Pro Skater 3 was awesome. Roxikat played Concor's Bad
Fur Day on the N64 for 8+ hours overnight, getting very
far into the game. That game is amazing. Amazing that
they finally released it. (:
Our Bomberman Tournament prize selection was fruitful
this time. We had pr0n, tentacle pr0n, a trophy and
pr0n. More appropriatly, the tournament should be named
the Bomber-ASS Tournament, since some mad couch
bomber relentlessly stunk up the gaming area all night
long. We think it was Mike, but other people audibly
displayed their efforts into the air. The worse part
of it is, there was a follow up attack the second night
during another round of Apples to Apples, which by the
way is a very fun card game. Unfortunatly we had to
suffer through rounds of both anonymous and obvious
flatulent attacks by EVERYONE involved. But the worst
was yet to happen. At the very end of the game, Torgo
and his Colon of Caustic Death emptied the play area
and lower levels of the house for several minutes with
a mighty odor that would make the Bog of Eternal Stench
seem like a rose garden. Let's hear it for Torgo. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
On a lighter, fresher note, we had for the first
time a Chinese Gift Exchange this year. It was awesome.
Simply, everyone brought one gift, and it was placed
in a pool. Names were drawn from a vessel and the winner
got to choose and unwrap a gift. Then another person
was chosen with the ability to take a new, unopened
gift, or viciously theft a gift from someone else. A
gift could only be thefted three times though. Keith
was the most robbed victim. But it was fun, and the
gifts were great.
On with the LAN gaming. We did a lot of Unreal Tournament.
Fat Rat played for two nights an entire game of UT Crane,
with the goal being 999 kills.The game ran overnight
while he wasn't attending it, but eventually he came
back to win it. There were several massive UT Crane
matches during the night. We also had our first successful
linkup of Starcraft! Teufel joined in via the internet
and a few long rounds of that went on. Late night, there
was of course, Tribes action. Just Tribes 1 though.
On friday we drew up teams and had some great battles,
they were very well matched. Saturday was taking it's
toll a bit on Windy and he eventualy left and stormed
out because he couldn't take falling down a fucking
damn mountainside anymore. (: But it was still a lot
of fun. I think. (:
Japi's Get Jason a New Basement TV fund is slowly growing.
He's got enough to buy a small potted plant now.
Food for the weekend was abundant. We had hamburgers,
hot dogs, Mark's Mild and Spicy meat, endless flowing
soda and so on.
Officialy we brought in the New Year watching the Vancouver
/ Flyers Game with intermissions of Tentacle Pr0n.